April 28, 2010

When tank is empty.......

A friend throw me a question: Is your tank empty....?

Yea.... My tank is empty now, drain and dry. Our life, it is just like a tank. We fill it with things we love to do. It is the matter of what you fill it with, whether it is sustainable? World's Busyness will drain the tank pretty fast. Talking about sustainable, what should we fill it with? Materialism? Pride? Those couldn't sustain even for a while! The first thing came across my mind for the question is worshiping God. That's the only way to fill my tank before it really drain out. It's a very good example to find a balance in a busy world. Then i began to realise that my tank is draining pretty fast, cause of my busy long hours work, it is pulling my own life away from me. That's why I feel frustrated, dry, and hungry (spiritually). I'm not balance anymore. I need to fill my tank to balance out myself between works and my life. Definitely needed to do so. Well, thanks to my buddy who throw me this question, it's worth to think deep about it.

Father in Heaven, my tank is draining out. Father, I pray that You will pour down Your wisdome upon me to turn over the situation. And Father Lord, strenghten me, Father O'Lord, to face the world, to defeat all those who want to draw me apart from You..... Lord O'God, I pray that You will bless my friends and people around me that give me support and encourage me, bless them in a special way O'Lord God Almighty.....


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